I have so many of these talks to share with you, and am looking forward to getting some of my favourites up here.
Last month I shared the concept of TED talks with you, along with my suggested ‘starter talk’. If you missed it, it’s here.
This month, take just 12 minutes out of your day to find out how you can permentantly change your brain chemistry to feel happier! (I know, this one is in French, but it’s subtitled so don’t panic – and it really is worth it)
There is a lot of stuff floating around about gratitude and making lists about the small things that make you happy and journalling about the good things…… this is where it all started – and gives you the reasons WHY it’s possibly a good idea to note that really good cup of tea or coffee you had today.
I’ll be honest. I’m not as good as doing 3 things a day like she suggests, but i try for one a day, and have been for the last 6 months or so, and I have noticed that I am a bit more positive and a bit less inclined to ‘the sky is falling!’ than I used to be. Baby steps n’est pas?